During Nowruz (the Persian New Year, literally means New Day), citizens of various regions of Turkmenistan engage in their traditional ceremonies. These include lighting fires (Şam-od) and jumping over ...
In the past, when the Taliban had not yet become a political and administrative structure, it was able to achieve its main goals through violence and war. However, In the post-conflict period, with the ...
The Iran-Tajikistan relationship presents several opportunities and challenges. The opportunities include the presence of a large majority of Persian-speaking and Iranian-origin populations, as well as ...
Relations between Taliban-led Afghanistan and Pakistan have been largely tense over the past three years. Recently, Pakistan’s civilian leadership appeared to recognize the strategic and economic costs ...
The completion and operation of the Bakhshabad Dam in Afghanistan threatens human security in the water sector. The countries that have decided to build the dam for Afghanistan will undoubtedly incur ...
Pakistan, a country with a unique ideological identity, has always been a battleground for tensions between secular and religious forces. Religious parties, with a long history and deep influence in politics ...
Understanding the behavior and perspective of the Taliban regarding developments in Syria requires a realistic grasp of their foreign policy approach. Officially, the Taliban government views itself as ...
the Institute of East Strategic Studies (IESS) hold A specialized event, titled "The Implications of the Syrian Crisis for Developments in Afghanistan and Central Asia", with the participation of domestic ...
The concept of intra-Afghan negotiations for achieving real peace in Afghanistan is a secondary and post-conflict process. In other words, the goal of negotiations is to transition from conflict to sustainable ...
General orientation of Trump’s foreign policy towards Central Asia reflects levels of both continuity and change in the region. The prominent feature of this strategy is its “pragmatism,” which could ...
In evaluating the Taliban rule’s performance in the last 3 years, there are two approaches: “government establishment” approach, and “fulfilling expectations” approach. Analysts who follow the “government ...
With the emergence of new geopolitical axes and the involvement of world powers in them, as well as the withdrawal of the U.S. from Afghanistan, Afghanistan has become once again a marginal country in ...
As the increase in the budget deficit, along with the increase in the military budget, has increased public discontent against the army in Pakistan, the Pakistan government and army are thinking of increasing ...
IESS's specialized meeting on "A look at the latest status of Islamic groups in Central Asia/ Examining emerging religious movements in the region" was held with the presence of domestic and regional ...
In the past three years, regional countries and the international community have established their relations with the Taliban based on engagement. The Taliban has also taken a more interactive approach ...
The 14th government is expected to maintain and strengthen the neighborhood policy approach of the 13th government towards Central Asia, while dealing with structural weaknesses, and implement a more ...
Reports show that the level of military and defense cooperation of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan with the West, especially the United States, has increased. This increase is beyond what is announced in official ...
Today's international arena is very unstable. If the Zionists commit more heinous crimes in Gaza, or commit aggression against Lebanon, Syria or Iran, the situation may worsen. In this case, the ruling ...
Today's international arena is very unstable. If the Zionists commit more heinous crimes in Gaza, or commit aggression against Lebanon, Syria or Iran, the situation may worsen. In this case, the ruling ...
In the framework of neighborhood revitalization policy and using regional capacities, the high-ranking officials of Iran government recently visited Pakistan and expressed their political will to improve ...