Jihad is considered a sacred issue for the Taliban. However, it has weakened the group’s position in Afghanistan, the region and international community in the current situation and will postpone the ...
One of the most important sects of Sunnis in South Asia is the Barelvi sect, which is a mixture of Sunni Islam and Sufism. The Barelvis make up about 50% of Pakistan's Muslim population and usually live ...
The book of Mowlavi Abdul Hakim Haqqani, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, entitled The Islamic Emirate and Its System, is considered as the political-religious ...
The history of Afghanistan shows that no government has managed so far to survive in Afghanistan without the support of regional and trans-regional countries, and no opposition military group has managed ...
Following the rise of the Taliban, the region’s atmosphere has become much securitized. The increase of border tensions and using these tensions to gain the attention of the regional and global rivals ...
The collapse of the republic and the rise of the Taliban to power made all forces inside and outside Afghanistan’s establishment to flee to other countries. Meanwhile, the only opposition force that was ...
Following the fall of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the rise of the Taliban to power, many young, skilled and educated Afghan forces left their own country. This brain drain will have a series ...
Four out of Afghanistan's six neighbors are heavily dependent on the country's water resources. Afghanistan's efforts to control the surface water have raised growing concerns among the downstream countries,...
Gilgit-Baltistan is a Shia-populated region which is part of Azad Jammu and Kashmir under Pakistan control. Prior to the 1970s, all of the region’s ethnic and religious groups were living in peace and ...
The power networks exist in all societies. In modern societies, the power networks have specific rules and patterns of behavior, and operate within a defined framework. However, in traditional societies ...
During the last decade, Central Asia and Afghanistan, with a population of about 95 million people, have become increasingly important in the international system. This importance has been in various ...
Afghanistan is a country that has always had a center-periphery relationship with the world's major powers, and its economic and military dependence has historically been influenced by this relationship....
The issue of water in Afghanistan is a national and identity issue whose manifestation can be seen in the common proverbs of the country. Such an attitude shows that the identity and beliefs of the Afghan ...
Following the fall of republic in Afghanistan after 20 years, the Taliban once again gained power in the country. However, experience shows that gaining power is one thing and maintaining it is another....
Instabilities caused by public uprisings are considered as potential crises in many authoritarian countries, such as the Central Asian states. Extreme authoritarianism, along with constant suppression ...
Women's political participation in Pakistan depends directly on their academic education as well as their social status and family. Therefore, any collective activity by women in Pakistan is primarily ...
The role of the European Union (EU), as a political identity, in the international politics is remarkable. Politically, it is an important and influential actor in terms of defining strategy as well as ...
The Institute for East Strategic Studies (IESS) is hosting a roundtable on "The perspective of Iran-Pakistan relations." The summit is being held with the presence of Asif Durrani, former Pakistani ambassador ...
Over the past four decades, Afghanistan initially was engaged in security dynamics with South Asia, and after the US invasion of the country in 2001, it established reciprocal security dynamics with the ...