Pakistan, a country with a unique ideological identity, has always been a battleground for tensions between secular and religious forces. Religious parties, with a long history and deep influence in politics ...
the Institute of East Strategic Studies (IESS) hold A specialized event, titled "The Implications of the Syrian Crisis for Developments in Afghanistan and Central Asia", with the participation of domestic ...
Reports show that the level of military and defense cooperation of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan with the West, especially the United States, has increased. This increase is beyond what is announced in official ...
Today's international arena is very unstable. If the Zionists commit more heinous crimes in Gaza, or commit aggression against Lebanon, Syria or Iran, the situation may worsen. In this case, the ruling ...
The fact is that before this, Russia and in some limited cases, China, were the main suppliers of weapons and defense equipment to Central Asian countries. Other suppliers, if any, were present in non-...
Iran and Pakistan are two neighboring and influential countries in the West Asia that, due to their proximity, have lower trade costs than other countries. Today, both countries have strong capacities ...
Since 2021, the security dynamics of Afghanistan have changed significantly. The Taliban, which was previously considered the main security threat in Afghanistan, has now become the ruling power. Meanwhile,...
This infographic shows the statistics of explosions, suicide bombings, and military operations (the Afghan forces and the Taliban) as well as the number of casualties (the Afghan soldiers, the Taliban,...
By accepting UNSC Resolution 2513 as one of the four pillars of the future negotiations with the Afghan delegation, the Taliban have sought to highlight the international community's capacity to advance ...
The Biden administration will naturally take a different approach towards Central Asia, which will definitely contain new opportunities and threats for the Islamic Republic of Iran. At the macro level,...
This infographic shows the statistics of explosions, suicide bombings, and military operations (the Afghan forces and the Taliban) as well as the number of casualties (the Afghan soldiers, the Taliban,...
The new US strategy targets the whole region rather than Afghanistan alone. The designers of this strategy seek to create a new arrangement of the regional actors in a bid to maintain the US hegemony ...
24 Sep 2020 - 11:08
Special reports
The Ukraine War and its Impact on Central Asia - South Asia Connectivity
Special reports
Evaluating Iran-Pakistan Economic Relations: A strategic look
Special reports
Two Years in Rule: Analyzing the Performance of Taliban Government