What will you read in this report
1. Introduction 2. Opportunities and Challenges of Iran-Tajikistan Strategic Relations 3. Factors of Strategic Convergence Between Iran and Tajikistan |
The second opportunity relates to the predominantly Muslim population in Tajikistan, which has a strong attachment to Islam in a traditional society. This aspect has often been overlooked, especially at the level of traditionalism, as most approaches focus on non-traditional Islamist communities, which constitute a minority in Tajikistan today. Tajikistan, therefore, has the potential to create a strategic partnership with Iran in Central Asia. This suggests that the relations between the two countries could be elevated to a "strategic partnership" and even a "strategic alliance." Logically, the prerequisite for this is a strategic vision in both Tehran and Dushanbe regarding these relations. |
Another obstacle is the Tajik government’s relative leaning toward the United States as part of a balancing strategy against Russia and China. This inclination adds complexity to the situation in Tajikistan, along with the gradual deepening of U.S. influence in the country. |
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